Louisa Raspé

Louisa Raspé (she/her) studied design, directing, philosophy and scenography at the Design Academy Eindhoven, Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design and  Zurich University of the Arts. She holds a master’s degree in art and media philosophy. Since 2021, she has formed the theater and performance collective “hexen flexen” together with Jana Furrer. In addition to her work as a director and dramaturge, she writes and researches in the field of autofiction and in the context of archives as carriers of knowledge. Her feminist working method oscillates between narrative practice, performative movement and scientific artistic collecting. She is currently working on the autofictional Story “The Fiction of a Tiger’s Paw”, in which she deals with the passing on of colonial heritage, the question of responsibility and the possibility of remembering. Together with the philosopher and journalist Lea Dora Illmer, she is working on the research project “The Archive is Hosting”, which takes the table community, the fleetingness and identity-forming significance of food as its starting point. She lives and works in Basel.

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