Ligia Lewis

Ligia Lewis works as a choreographer, director, dancer, and performer. Held together by the logic of interdependence, disorder, and play, she creates space(s) for the emergent and the indeterminate while tending to the mundane. In her work, sonic and visual metaphors meet the body, materializing the enigmatic, the poetic, and the dissonant. Lewis’s work continues to evoke the nuances of embodiment. She is the recipient of various awards, and her work continues to be presented internationally. Her most recent stage work, Still Not Still, will tour throughout 2022.

Ligia was invited as a guest speaker at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG) within the lecture series Bodies in the System (2021) by Hanna Franke, Hanne König und Füsun Türetken.

Posts by Ligia Lewis